28. 02. 2021

No. 25: Non-Western Guitar?

Why do so many listeners think this song sounds Middle Eastern, Indian, or North African? Shawn Persinger is Prester John gives three possible explanations. Plus, the video includes a playthrough with scrolling notation...

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10. 02. 2021

No. 24: Guest, Mat Eiland of Boud Deun

I am overjoyed that Boud Deun bassist Mat Eiland has contributed a lesson to this page. Mat is a phenomenal musician and composer, as well as a genuinely wonderful human being. Below are...

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08. 02. 2021

No. 23: An Introduction to Weird Guitar

I’ve been waiting for this lesson all my life – I didn’t think I would be the one to write it! I’m thrilled that Premier Guitar has published this 3000+ word lesson with...

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